Joe Miller

Animal Law

Morning Docket: 12.28.10

* Demand for attorneys well-versed in animal law is on the rise as pet owners push for recognition of their pets as family members rather than ordinary property. Which reminds me of my dog Rascal. He ate his own crap, licked furniture, and once peed on a baby. And when he died, my parents looked […]


Morning Docket: 12.23.10

* Got milk? Obama’s latest tax break gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “living off the government tit.” [Washington Post] * Joe Miller is hoping for a Christmas miracle because the Alaska Supreme Court gave his lawsuit the pink slip. [Los Angeles Times] * This holiday season, the TSA reminds you to leave […]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 12.20.10

* Thanks Senate, but gay servicemembers now get to play another waiting game. How long will the certification process take? Don’t ask, because the administration isn’t going to tell. [New York Times; Wall Street Journal; Washington Post] * Filibusted: with the DREAM Act’s failure, undocumented college graduates can’t get jobs. As a member of the […]

Attorney Misconduct

Joe Miller: Now an Admitted Liar

When we included Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller in our gallery of most disgraceful Yale Law School graduates, we admitted that his scandals were trivial in comparison to some other people on the list. But now maybe Miller will be a worthy contender. Newly released documents contain an email where Miller admits to lying about […]


Non-Sequiturs: 10.19.10

* Joe Miller might not be Yale Law School’s most disgraceful graduate, but his campaign is certainly taking some interesting turns. [The Mudflats] * Potty police at the Second Circuit: rude bathroom graffiti results in a handwriting test for court employees. [Page Six / New York Post] * If Snooki gets in legal trouble again, […]